Provided at OPENSCREEN-GR by
- NCSR “Demokritos” Athens

Animal House Facilities
Animal House Facilities - NCSR “Demokritos” Athens
The Animal House of the Institute of Biosciences and Applications of the National Centre for Scientific Research «Demokritos” is one of the first organized and specialized Laboratories for the breeding and disposal of small laboratory animals in Greece. Currently, the aim of the Animal House is the supply of small laboratory animals to be used in experimentation in basic science, in the development of therapeutic regimes and new technologies, as well as in educational purposes. Today, the Animal House functions in compliance with the national and international standards and covers the most recent demands for research conducted on animal models.
Reproduction, Disposal and Experimentation units in laboratory animals are active in its facilities. The Research Protocol Evaluation Committee, the Animal Welfare Monitoring and Opinion Committee, its continuously trained staff, the modern logistics and building infrastructure, the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015, the monitoring, prevention, diagnosis and treatment program animal health and care control and the organization of training seminars are a guarantee for the quality of its services.