Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI (AUTH) is the central repository of chemical compounds (Hellenic Center for Small Molecules, HCSM, at the Department of Chemistry of AUTh) of OPENSCREEN-GR and provides state-of-the-art services related to the collection and storage of synthetic compounds and natural products. More specifically, the HCSM focuses on the collection, analysis, organization and preparation of samples for their biological evaluation.
HCSM is a center of excellence featuring a team of experienced chemists specializing in Organic Synthesis whose goal is to modify and optimize target molecules for the discovery of new bioactive compounds. Additionally, researchers of HCSM focus on the synthesis of natural products, in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, but also in the discovery of new catalytic systems and for the enrichment of the existing chemical collection. Young researchers are trained daily in the infrastructure facilities, they are offered the services of compounds’ analysis and they have access to compound collections. Therefore, scientific knowledge is promoted in the society and know-how is transferred to public and private industries

System of Organized Storage and Management of Chemical Compounds
,The system of organized storage and management of chemical compounds is used to store collections of chemical compounds in specific vials at -20 ° C. Each vial, stored in SAM HD is identified by a unique barcode. The system has large capacity receptacles for tubes / vials, with a total storage capacity of more than 35,000 samples.
- Τemperature and humidity control
- Stores tubes / vials of different sizes (eg 0.5 ml, 1 ml) but also microplates and tube carriers (tube racks).
- It has a built-in motorized selector of tubes / vials, with the possibility of random access to any tube / vial, carrier or microplate located inside it. Recovery takes less than 90 sec.
- The operating software allows the preparation of selection tasks and the storage of the selected tubes / vials in carriers at maintenance temperature, so that the user can retrieve the carriers immediately (one carrier per minute).
- Storage of collections of chemical compounds
- Organization of chemical collections
- Selection and preparation of a group of samples for further biological evaluation.
- Pharmaceutical Industry

Fully Equipped Laboratories of Organic Chemistry
The laboratories are fully equipped with the necessary glassware, rotary evaporators, pumps, thermometers, refrigerators, stirrers, etc. to carry out reactions, synthesize new chemical compounds, purify and isolate synthetic compounds and natural products.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
used to determine the structure and to analyze the purity of chemical compounds
Agilent 500 MHz
- Fluid analysis
- It can measure many nuclei (1H, 13C, 31P, 11B and 15N) and conduct 2D NMRs experiments at different temperatures.
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Industry of food, perfumes, paints, polymers –
- Analysis of chemical compounds, perfumes, agrochemicals, drugs, detergents, natural products, polymers
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS)
It is used to determine the structure and to analyze the purity of chemical compounds
Shimadzu LCMS-2010EV
- LC / MS Simple Quadruple System
- Ionization of samples is done by electrospray (ESI)
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Food, perfume, paint industry
- Analysis of chemical compounds, perfumes, agrochemicals, medicines, detergents, natural products, cosmetics
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Analysis of the purity of chemical compounds. Purification and isolation of chemical compounds.
Agilent 1260 Infinity II
HPLC high pressure pump, with low pressure gradient system up to four solvents. It has a liquid chromatography column thermostat, an automatic liquid chromatography sampler, a visible-ultraviolet detector, with a diode device and an automatic fraction collector
- Isolation of compounds after Chemical Synthesis
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Food, perfume, paint industry
- Analysis of purity of chemical compounds, perfumes, agrochemicals, medicines, detergents, natural products, cosmetics
GC Gas Chromatograph
Used to analyze the purity of chemical compounds
GC-2030 Shimadzu
Features SPL-2030 split / splitless sample injection system and FID-2030 flame ionization detector (FID)
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Food, perfume, beverage industry
- Analysis of natural products
Vacuum Freeze Dryer (lyophilizer)
- Can be cooled to -110 ° C
- It has a freezer with a capacity of 3 Kg
- The freezer must have a capacity of 2.5 kg per 24 hours and a total freezer volume of 4 Lt
- Freeze-drying of biological samples / materials (bacteria, yeasts, tissues, cells, blood, DNA) – Food and medicine industry.
it is used to determine the structure and to analyze the purity of chemical compounds
Pole meter Kruss P3000
Automatic research polarimeter with measuring range: ± 90O, ± 259OZ 59s critical capacity: 0.01O, 0.01OZ, accuracy: ± 0.01O,. 0.01OZ. It has an LED lamp with a monochrome light filter at 589 nm.
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Food, perfume, beverage, cosmetics industry
The Team
Vasiliki Sarli (General Director of HMSC)
Alexandros Zografos (Head of Storage facility)
Alexandros Koumbis (Head of the Compounds Collection Division)
Ioannis Lykakis (Head of Analysis facility)
Where to find us
Location : Department of Chemistry, Thessaloniki, 54633 Greece
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